Balance is the theme of this year's Baden-W rttemberg International Design Award: the products selected must offer consumers and viewers inner harmony and equilibrium. They were evaluated according to the following criteria: their ergonomic and design quality as well as environmental friendliness, innovation content and quality of workmanship. Of the 440 entries, ranging from a shower head to a car, an international jury selected nine objects to be awarded the International Design Prize in gold; fifty-nine more won silver medals. The finalists' work will be presented to a broader public at an exhibition in the Stuttgart Haus der Wirtschaft in 2003. Since last year the state of Baden W rttemberg has awarded the Mia Seeger Prize for Junior Designers with the aim of providing a forum for young talent and thus promoting the next generation of designers. Text in English and German.
Focus Balance 2003
314.00 ₪מחיר
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