Simple Happy Kitchen is this first illustrated guide for a plant-based vegan lifestyle. It is packed with humorous and engaging illustrations designed to help you and your family learn more about plant-based nutrition. The book takes the reader through simple steps needed to live a healthy, nutrient-filled, compassionate life. The guide introduces a new way to learn about nutrition - with positivity, humor and fun. It breaks down complicated nutritional information, helping families learn the basics and many benefits of this lifestyle. This is not a diet or cooking book - It is the first book of its kind, meant to help guide readers and improve the diets of children and families all over the world. Instead of charts, numbers and warnings, the book uses a visual language everyone can understand. What's inside? Why go plant-based? • Why is it good for you? • How to understand the nutrition facts label? • Building a healthy shopping list • Guides for spices, oils, leafy greens, legumes and grains • Benefits of soaking and sprouting • Substitutes and plant-based milks • Planning your meals • Cooking and storing hacks • Guide for protein, iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals • Simple ways to increase minerals absorption • Making food fun for kids • Vegan lifestyle with kids • Cruelty-free shopping guide • Fun facts about animals • Checklists for going vegan • Easy to make meals • And much more! The book was written together with a clinical dietitian, making sure it is not just fun but also factual.
Simple Happy Kitchen/ Miki Mottes
128.00 ₪מחיר
החלפות והחזרות
- החלפות בתוך חודש ימים מיום הקניה בחנות הדגל- כיכר רבין 9 ת"א
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