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cover of Trauma in the Creative and Embodied Therapies by Anna Chesner, sissy lykou

Trauma in the Creative and Embodied Therapies is a cross-professional book looking at current approaches to working therapeutically and socially with trauma in a creative and embodied way.


The book pays attention to different kinds of trauma – environmental, sociopolitical, early relational, abuse in its many forms, and the trauma of illness – with contributions from international experts, drawn from the fields of the arts therapies, the embodied psychotherapies, as well as nature-based therapy and Playback Theatre. The book is divided into three sections: the first section takes into consideration the wider sociopolitical perspective of trauma and the power of community engagement. In the second section, there are numerous clinical approaches to working with trauma, whether with individuals or groups, highlighting the importance of creative and embodied approaches. In the third section, the focus shifts from client work to the impact of trauma on the practitioner, team, and supervisor, and the importance of creative self-care and reflection in managing this challenging field.


This book will be useful for all those working in the field of trauma, whether as clinicians, artists, or social workers.

Trauma in the Creative and Embodied Therapies \ Anna Chesner, sissy lykou

159.00 ₪מחיר

הוצאה: Routledge

שנת הוצאה: 2020

עמודים: 190

מוצרים דומים

הניוזלטר של תולעת: ספרים חדשים, אירועי השקה ועוד

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