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cover of The Basic Fault by Michael Balint

In this volume of The Basic Fault, Michael Balint, who over the years made a sustained and brilliant contribution to the theory and technique of psychoanalysis, develops the concept of the 'basic fault' in the bio-psychology structure of every individual, involving in varying degree both mind and body. Balint traces the origins of the basic fault to the early formative period, during which serious discrepancies arise between the needs of the individual and the care and nurture available. These Discrepancies create a kind of deficiency state.

The Basic Fault \ Michael Balint

215.00 ₪מחיר

10% הנחה על ספרים במחיר מלא (בקנייה מעל 660 ש"ח)

הוצאה: Routledge

שנת הוצאה: 1984

עמודים: 216

מוצרים דומים

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